Poole Grammar School has a lively and thriving Parent Staff Association which works to support and enrich the life of the school.
Who are the PSA?
All parents and carers of boys at the school are automatically members of the PSA but we also have active volunteers and a committee
What are the aims of the PSA?
- To link the staff and parents of Poole Grammar School.
- To promote a sense of community.
- To support the school by raising funds for school equipment and resources that fall outside the normal school funding schemes.
- To support members of staff at parent evenings with refreshments.
What projects are the PSA working on?
All our current PSA fundraising is directed towards supporting the school in the Sports Hall project. All the money we raise improves the school’s bidding strength for the capital made available to Academies by Government.
How does the PSA raise funds for the school?
We raise funds by organizing events throughout the year such as:
- Quiz nights
- Musical suppers with the school’s Big Band and Jazz Band
- The Summer Extravaganza
- Battle Of The Bands
We also provide refreshments at various school functions throughout the year such as the Carol Service, music and drama events, the Old Grammarian’s Supper and parents evenings.
The PSA also helps with sales of second-hand uniforms. There are opportunities through the year to purchase ‘New to you’ items of school uniform. These represent excellent value for money and all proceeds go to the school as part of our PSA fundraising.
How can I support the PSA?
- Come to the PSA events throughout the school year, which help us raise funds for our projects.
- If you have links with companies which you think may help us to support the school, get in touch with us and tell us your ideas!
- Join in with the “Bags 4 schools”
Can I join the PSA committee or occasionally give time to help?
Yes! You can help the PSA on an occasional basis, offering your skills or support. You may also wish to join our committee and offer ideas too! You will be warmly welcomed. We meet once or twice a term.
How can I get more information about the PSA?
You can email us at:
You can also contact the school office who will pass on your details to us so a member of our committee can get in touch.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Chairperson: Mariette Harmse
Treasurer: Charlotte Sherwood
Secretary: Lisa Gershinson
Willing Helper Coordinator: Nickey Spencer