Poole Grammar School, Gravel Hill, Poole, Dorset, BH17 9JU | Tel: 01202 692132 | Email: pgsoffice@poolegrammar.com
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Why Choose PGS

  • The Outstanding Pastoral system; This ensures that every boy has someone to share their aspirations and dreams with and if the going gets tough there is always a listening ear and someone to help.
  • The Curriculum – We provide our pupils with an excellent all round education which whilst recognising the importance of academic achievement, we also emphasise the need for wider social, cultural and sporting development.
  • Results (Academic & Personal); Poole Grammar School pupils achieve some of the best GCSE, A level and Oxbridge entry results in the South West, but we also want our students to gain the personal qualities, inter personal skills, character, hobbies and interests needed to make a success of adult life.
  • Single sex (boy) education; We know how to get the best out of boys and create a learning environment where boys can thrive and are taught in the most effective ways.
  • Selection; We put bright young men together who share just their intellects and they spark off each other, spur each other on, and form a peer group culture in which success is celebrated.
  • Our size; This enables us to offer a full rich curriculum and extra-curricular programme whilst allowing every boy to feel part of a community where they are known and their talents are valued.
  • Staff (Teaching & Support); Such a concentration of talented, young minds creates a wonderfully vibrant learning environment, allowing us to recruit and retain the best teachers and support staff.

For my part, I try to be accessible as possible to pupils and parents.  My door is always open to pupils during the school day   and I have an open door session every half term for any pupil or member of the school community to drop in and see me unannounced.   Parents and prospective parents are welcome to make an appointment to visit at any time by phoning my PA on 01202 692132.

I am very proud of Poole Grammar School and its pupils. We combine the best of our academic grammar school heritage with an innovative outlook that strives to provide pupils with the skills needed for a successful life in the twenty-first century.

Dr Amanda Smith
