Sixth Form
Sixth Form Destinations
Joining the Sixth Form Welcome to the Sixth Form Explore tasks for Year 12 16 – 19 Bursary Scheme Sixth Form Destinations Class of 2022General DestinationsUniversity131Gap Year9Apprenticeship14Employment17Other3 University Type Russell Group62Other69Total131University by Region Wales15South West England60South East England9London28Midlands13North6Scotland0Course TypeMaths & Computing20Engineering11Healthcare Sciences15Humanities & Arts23Law8Business & Economics24Physical Sciences16Social Sciences12
Explore tasks for Year 12
Are you planning to start year 12 in September? If so, you will want to look at the Explore tasks for each A Level subject you have chosen. These are for you to do over the summer before September. You should choose from the list of suggestions for each of your subjects. Most of these...
Joining the Sixth Form
Joining the Sixth Form Welcome to the Sixth Form Explore tasks for Year 12 16 – 19 Bursary Scheme Joining the Sixth Form Every year students join our sixth form from our own main school and from other local schools for all sorts of reasons. Here’s why you too should come to us after your...
16 – 19 Bursary Scheme
Joining the Sixth Form Welcome to the Sixth Form Explore tasks for Year 12 16 – 19 Bursary Scheme 16 – 19 Bursary Scheme The 16 to 19 Bursary Fund provides financial support to help students aged 16 to 19, to overcome specific barriers so they can remain in education.There are two types of 16-19