Poole Grammar School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.
Where there is an immediate risk or concern for a child please contact the Police on 999.
For non-urgent enquiries:
– please call the school on 01202 692132 and ask to speak to a member of the safeguarding team, or
– email our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL); Caroline Bennetton
DSL Deputies /other staff providing safeguarding:
Children and Young People – Are you worried about something?
Did you know you can access Pan-Dorset Safeguarding Children Partnership? This page is for any child or young people to come and get some advice over difficult issues.
You can also get help from:
- Emergency services, call 999
- Childline by either text, email or phoning their free 24-hour helpline on 0800 1111.
- NSPCC helpline anonymously on 88858.
Other key contacts at Poole Grammar School
Anti-bullying Lead: Mrs Kate Couch
Prevent Lead: Mrs Sarah Barnes
Online Safety Champion: Mr Nathan Chase
Designated LAC Teacher: Ms Fiona Gollan
Designated Safeguarding Governor/Trustee: Mrs April Thomas
All members of the senior leadership team and members of the pastoral team regularly complete Level 3 Safeguarding training.
Students who are feeling worried about something or someone can come and talk to members of the safeguarding team in school.
Safeguarding and other related policies
- Child Protection and Safeguarding policy
- Attendance Policy Parents Carers
- Anti-bullying
- Behaviour
- Online Safety
- Whistle-blowing
Paper copies of school policies are available on request. Translation services are also available on request, translation is subject to a time delay and it is recommended requests are made in a timely manner with this in mind.
Poole Grammar School policies refer to Local and National policies and guidance. Useful links: