Poole Grammar School, Gravel Hill, Poole, Dorset, BH17 9JU | Tel: 01202 692132 | Email: pgsoffice@poolegrammar.com
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Following the recent OFSTED inspection, the school has been graded ‘Requires Improvement’. The inspection was triggered by variation in the results achieved in certain subject areas over the last two years. Information gathered during the inspection identified areas of inconsistency in both teaching and the assessment of student work.

As a school we have accepted the key findings of the inspection. The school had already recognised that we needed to improve our 2016 results in a number of key areas and the list of action points identified by Ofsted will help us to bring about the rapid improvement we know is required.

The majority of students at Poole Grammar School make progress in excess of that expected nationally and ahead of that predicted on the basis of their attainment levels on entry. Our Raiseonline Report from OFSTED based on our 2015 GCSE results shows that the ‘value added’ by the year group as a whole was significantly above the national average. It placed us at the 38th percentile nationally (in other words, 37% of schools delivered better value added, and 62% added less value). The progress students made in many subjects compares well with other schools. At A and AS level, progress overall puts us in line with the top 25% of schools nationally. However, we do accept the findings of the report and acknowledge that students need to be making better progress in some areas.

We are delighted that the inspectors said so many positive things about the school – they recognised our excellent pastoral care and the work we do to provide a rounded education for our students. The inspectors heaped much praise on our students, whom they found to be very good learners who respond brilliantly to stimulating teaching, and who hold very well established community values.
The staff and Governors are working together in response to the report and to achieve the best possible outcomes for our students.

Andy Baker – Headteacher