Poole Grammar School, Gravel Hill, Poole, Dorset, BH17 9JU | Tel: 01202 692132 | Email: pgsoffice@poolegrammar.com
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Admissions Policy 2019

We have been required by the Office of the Schools Adjudicator to make some minor amendments to our 2019 Admissions Policy.  These are intended to clarify the operation of our oversubscription criteria by removing ‘and’ from the line which states ‘Eligible boys who live within the Borough of Poole and/or Poole postcodes BH12, BH13, BH14, BH15, BH16, BH17, BH18 and BH21 3’.  This amendment applies to all sections of the oversubscription criteria – Section 6 in the policy.  This does not change the geographical area which constitutes the priority area.

We have also provided a different way of identifying Home Address (section 11) and applications from separated parents (section 12).  This change of wording has been made in close co-operation with the Borough of Poole Admissions team.

We have also given greater clarification to the operation of the Waiting list, and in particular its end date (section 14).

The revised Policy can be found on the school website, and is called Poole Grammar School Admissions Policy Revised September 2019.

A J Baker – Head Teacher