Poole Grammar School, Gravel Hill, Poole, Dorset, BH17 9JU | Tel: 01202 692132 | Email: pgsoffice@poolegrammar.com
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National Roast Dinner Day Surprise

National Roast Dinner Day Surprise – Jeanette Orrey’s visit to Longfleet Primary School and Poole Grammar School On Wednesday 15 November, there was a surprise when the hot school meal delivery arrived at Longfleet School. Jeanette Orrey MBE, who twelve years ago was...

GCSE Exam Results 2017

GCSE We are delighted to report excellent results at GCSE this year.  88.4% of our students achieved a ‘strong pass’ (grade 5 or above) in both Maths and English Language, 95.9% achieved a standard pass in Maths and English, and 99.4% achieved at least a strong pass...

A Level Exam Results Summer 2017

Our A level results were again very strong, with 59.39% of grades at A*/A/B grades, with a pass rate of 97.82%.  This represents an increase in the proportion of higher grades when compared with 2016, and in a year when half of our entries were in the new reformed A...