by Agile ICT | 7 Mar 2016 | News
Poole Grammar is absolutely thrilled with the news that our Catering Manager Chris Watson has been shortlisted in the highly prestigious BBC Food and Farming Awards for 2016. All the finalists were announced on 6 March on Radio 4’s Food Programme. Chris has been...
by Agile ICT | 22 Jan 2016 | News
Poole Grammar School are delighted to announce the forthcoming visit of Lord Professor Robert Winston, Professor of Science and Society and Emeritus Professor of Fertility Studies at Imperial College, London at 2.30pm on Thursday 28th January 2016. The talk forms part...
by Agile ICT | 14 Jan 2016 | News
Following the recent OFSTED inspection, the school has been graded ‘Requires Improvement’. The inspection was triggered by variation in the results achieved in certain subject areas over the last two years. Information gathered during the inspection identified areas...
by Agile ICT | 8 Dec 2015 | News
The school was inspected by an OFSTED team on 1st and 2nd December. The team delivered their provisional judgments to the senior leadership team and Governors. These will now be moderated by OFSTED, and the report may be ready for publication before the end of term,...
by Agile ICT | 9 Nov 2015 | News
On Tuesday 17th of November 2015 Mr Baker accompanied by five students from Poole Grammar School presented a cheque for two thousand five hundred pounds to the Headteacher of Montacute School. Montacute, which is a school that caters for profoundly disabled children,...