Poole Grammar School, Gravel Hill, Poole, Dorset, BH17 9JU | Tel: 01202 692132 | Email: pgsoffice@poolegrammar.com
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Talk by Sir Roderic Lyne

On Tuesday 17 July, Sir Roderic Lyne delivered a talk to Year 12 and students from Parkstone Grammar.  Sir Roderic worked for many years in the Diplomatic Service, mainly in the USSR/Russia and culminating in a period as UK Ambassador to Russia.  He worked closely...

Watermark Award

WESSEX WATERMARK AWARD SUPPORTS POOLE GRAMMAR SCHOOL’S RE-USABLE BOTTLE CAMPAIGN “DON’T throw it, just REFILL it!” is Poole Grammar School’s message to the wider community.  The school’s campaign to reduce plastic waste and replace plastic drinking bottles with...

Admissions Policy 2019 – Press Release

PRESS RELEASE PARKSTONE AND POOLE GRAMMAR SCHOOL ADMISSIONS 2019  Following a period of consultation the Governing Bodies at both Parkstone and Poole Grammar Schools have carefully considered representations made to the Admission Authorities. In response to the...