School Uniform and Sports (PE and Games) kit
The School insists on appropriate standards of dress. Current regulations are as follows, with approximate cost of required items provided in information provided by suppliers.
Main School
Required items are available from the following school stockists –
Stevensons, 148-150 Seabourne Road, Bournemouth, BH5 2JA, Tel: 01202 425192
Stevensons Appointment Flyer – Summer 2024
Stevensons Price List – Summer 2024
PMG Schoolwear, 85 High St, Poole BH15 1AH, Tel: 01202 686688
For PE Kit –
Football Kits Direct, Unit 15, Brixey Business Park, 18-26 Fancy Rd, Poole BH12 4PZ
(Rugby Top –
Prices may vary according to the stockist and range.
In addition there are regulations concerning the colour of the following items:
- Trousers – black or grey – shorts may be worn in the Summer Term provided that they are tailored and are black or grey.
- Shirt – white (designed to be worn with a tie)
- V-necked pullover – single coloured green
- Footwear – formal black or brown (not suede)
NB Heavy boots and training shoes are not permitted.
PE shoes (or trainers) and football boots are also required for timetables PE and Games lessons and practices. The Parent Staff Association organise the sale of good quality second-hand items at the evening for new parents in June and at other times of the year. The PSA can also offer support in cases of financial hardship through their Welfare Fund. Approaches can be made in strictest confidence to the Chairman, via the School Office.
Sixth Form
Pupils are expected to develop their own dress sense within guidelines laid down by the school. These include the wearing of a tie, conventional shirt and trousers.
School Uniform Support
If there is a need for funding of School uniform, please approach the school finance team in complete confidence for a School discretionary award