Poole Grammar School, Gravel Hill, Poole, Dorset, BH17 9JU | Tel: 01202 692132 | Email: pgsoffice@poolegrammar.com
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POGA Membership

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To join the Association, please download an application form below and return it, duly completed, to the Secretary.    See below for details.

The form includes a Gift Aid Declaration for all who currently pay Income Tax.

POGA Membership Bank Mandate

Alternatively you may telephone the school on 01202 693132 to leave your name, address, contact telephone number or e-mail together with the date you left the school.


Nigel Paton

38 De Havilland Close,




BH21 1XU

Telephone:     01202 849443

E-mail:     poga5917@gmail.com