Poole Grammar School, Gravel Hill, Poole, Dorset, BH17 9JU | Tel: 01202 692132 | Email: pgsoffice@poolegrammar.com

POGA – Minutes of AGM 2023

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Held on Tuesday 7th November 2023 at 6.00pm

Present: Nigel Paton (Secretary), Nigel Williams ( Chairman), Tim Hall, Stephen Westlake, Simon Powell, John Tansey

  1. Apologies – Amanda Smith, Ed Gibbs, Chris Pearson
  2. Minutes of 2022 AGM – These were agreed as a true record.
  1. Matters Arising: None
  1. Finance Report –

The Treasurer highlighted the fact that in addition to funds shown in the account for the Old Grammarians’ Association there were other funds currently held within the Poole Grammar School Trust Fund Account. As at 3rd October 2023 these stood at:

Poole Old Grammarians’ Account: £9,778.72

Old Grammarians Trust Fund Account:  £9,328.00

TOTAL: £19,106.72

  1. Secretary’s Report – The past year seems to have flown by and the Association has weathered the storm once again. Our Committee has continued regular meetings and we are moving forward once again. The year’s main event was the Annual Reunion Dinner, held once again at the RNLI College in Poole and attended by almost 100 former pupils of PGS. We continue to support the school by funding the Dolphin Magazine each year and to also provide support for pupils with specific needs where appropriate.

As with so many clubs and associations around the country we are totally reliant upon volunteers from within our own ranks of former pupils to take on important roles within the Old Grammarians’ association. We would like to feel that we continue to meet the needs of all former pupils by keeping them in touch with the school and all that is going on there. However, in order to do this efficiently we are reaching a point where we URGENTLY need others to step forward and take over from present members. Our membership has remained fairly static over the past two years and it is hoped that we might raise the profile of the Association at the forthcoming PSA Christmas Fayre. We currently have just over 400 members paying an annual subscription.

I am sure there are others amongst you who could perhaps also consider taking on the role of Treasurer and Membership Secretary too – roles I have covered for the past 3 years, in addition to continuing to serve as your Secretary, a post I have held for more than 30 years.

PLEASE remember that these requests are not without substance and if others do not come forward there is a risk of the Association being unable to continue in its present form. I will be sending out a letter in the near future to ask members to consider how they might help.

  1. Newsletter Report – The Autumn edition of the newsletter is due for publication shortly. Chris could not be here today due to being overseas at present. He will endeavour to finalise and distribute the newsletter as soon as he is able.
  1. The Dolphin Magazine – The quality of The Dolphin continues to be praised and the meeting was told that the 2023 edition was currently at the printers. It was hoped that all locally based old grammarians would have their copy delivered by hand once delivery from the printers had been made. Those living further afield would have their copy posted. Our thanks go to Simon and Susie Fry for all their hard work in compiling this brilliant publication which is a great showcase of the school each year and of which we are immensely proud.
  1. Election of Vice Presidents – Under the terms of Rule 7 of the Association it was agreed that,

 In keeping with past practice, the Secretary would write to all those members of staff who have left their posts at the school during the past two years, having served here at Poole Grammar School for 20 years or more, to invite them to become an Honorary Vice President of the Association and thereby retain a link with the school which they had served so well. They would then, if so wished, receive a copy of the Dolphin Magazine each year.  Simon would notify the Secretary of any such people leaving the school this year.

  1. Chairman’s Review of the Association –

I am pleased to be able to report on an encouraging year for the association and for the school.  Following the Chairman’s position becoming available at the last AGM and in the absence, surprisingly of any other contenders I was happy to step up having last done the job 30 years ago.  It would of course be wonderful to see younger Old Grams getting involved in order for the baton to be passed on but if the annual dinner was anything to go by, interest in keeping involved personally and being updated on school events is certainly increasing.

Our main event of the year was the aforementioned Annual Dinner at the headquarters of the RNLI, a great evening which saw a good attendance and I am pleased to say that the less formal proceedings appeared to be well received by those present.  We had no official top table which meant that speakers could sit with their own cohort only moving to the podium when required.  This meant in turn that the Head Boy remained out of the limelight and with fellow prefects and our President until it was his turn to deliver an excellent speech.  Each year we all hope that the Head Boy does well as it must be very daunting to give an update of the school year to an audience such as older Old Grams and each year they do themselves proud making it look so easy, this year was no different.

Our President, Dr Amanda Smith followed the Head Boy with a summary of events and developments at the school, the main one being the progress of the new sports centre and ancillary facilities on the site of the old school gym.  All was progressing well in April and the new centre was indeed ready for the new school year in September, just on time and on budget.  It is a new facility that is definitely worth an inspection and a facility that will no doubt bring trade, finance and an enhanced reputation ensuring that the school continues to attract new applicants in large numbers over many years to come.  

Finally I would like to pay special thanks to Nigel Paton for his continued hard work on behalf of the association, Nigel organises the dinner, represents the association on other school committees, acts indirectly as treasurer and controls our membership list.  I’m sure Nigel would like help and anyone wishing to assist Nigel in any of these areas would be more than welcome. 

Thanks must also go to the committee who are working on behalf of our members to support the association and the school.  As always we are looking to the future and would therefore welcome anyone who would like to help on the committee, with work spread around the members it is not an onerous task but is certainly a rewarding one.

  1. Election of Officers 2023-24

The following were elected unopposed

Chairman                                                                 Nigel Williams

Secretary/Membership Secretary                            Nigel Paton

Treasurer                                                                 Nigel Paton

Newsletter Editor                                                     Chris Pearson

Assistant Editor                                                       Vacancy   

Cricket Club Reps.                                                  Nigel Williams & Tim Hall

School Liaison Officer:                                            Ed Gibbs

Other Committee Members:  John Tansey, Stephen Westlake, Simon Powell

The Headteacher, Dr Amanda Smith, is President of the Association.

  1. Any Other Business: 
  2. A resolution was proposed “that the name of the Association be revised to Poole Grammarians’ Association and the word ‘Old’ be dropped.

Proposed: Ed Gibbs         Seconded: Nigel Williams

Passed Unanimously

The Secretary would speak with School Finance Department to check implications for Banking with Lloyds, as well as seeking information re. Charity Commission (Gift Aid).

  1. The PE department had submitted a request for funding to enable donated sports shirts from Brad Currie (Sussex Cricket Club) and Harry Cornick (Bristol City) to be put on display. A local company has given a quote of £130 per shirt. It is likely that there may be a further 4 shirts available in the near future and so the amount requested could be £780

A proposal was tabled that “the Association cover the cost of the intended framing of the shirts as outlined, up to the value of £1000”

Proposed: Tim Hall   Seconded: Steve Westlake

Passed Unanimously

  1. Date of next AGM:         12th November 2024  (tbc)

              Date of next Committee Meeting:         Tuesday 16th January 2024 at 1.30pm