Headteacher’s Welcome
General Headteacher’s Welcome Why Choose PGS British Values Statement Development & Self Evaluation Ofsted Information & Reports Policies and Risk Assessments Admissions and Appeals Curriculum Community School Finances The People Examinations Headteacher’s Welcome I am delighted to provide you with this introduction to Poole Grammar School. It is a unique environment: the pupils who study...
Why Choose PGS
General Headteacher’s Welcome Why Choose PGS British Values Statement Development & Self Evaluation Ofsted Information & Reports Policies and Risk Assessments Admissions and Appeals Curriculum Community School Finances The People Examinations Why Choose PGS The Outstanding Pastoral system; This ensures that every boy has someone to share their aspirations and dreams with and if the...
Development & Self Evaluation
General Headteacher’s Welcome Why Choose PGS British Values Statement Development & Self Evaluation Ofsted Information & Reports Policies and Risk Assessments Admissions and Appeals Curriculum Community School Finances The People Examinations Development & Self Evaluation Poole Grammar School is continually developing and does so through a strategic planning process where the Governing Body and Senior...
Ofsted Information & Reports
General Headteacher’s Welcome Why Choose PGS British Values Statement Development & Self Evaluation Ofsted Information & Reports Policies and Risk Assessments Admissions and Appeals Curriculum Community School Finances The People Examinations Ofsted Information & Reports Poole Grammar School was inspected by Ofsted at the end of March and we were rated as a 'good' school....
Policies and Risk Assessments
General Headteacher’s Welcome Why Choose PGS British Values Statement Development & Self Evaluation Ofsted Information & Reports Policies and Risk Assessments Admissions and Appeals Curriculum Community School Finances The People Examinations Policies and Risk Assessments All Poole Grammar School policies have due regard for the Equality Act 2010 whereby the policy’s actions advance equal opportunity,...
Freedom of Information (FOI)
General Headteacher’s Welcome Why Choose PGS British Values Statement Development & Self Evaluation Ofsted Information & Reports Policies and Risk Assessments Admissions and Appeals Curriculum Community School Finances The People Examinations Freedom of Information (FOI) Publication SchemeAll public authorities, including schools, are required under the Freedom of Information Act to adopt a publication scheme that...