You are probably aware of our new Sports Hall ambitions to replace our ageing and undersized 1960s gyms. Year on year, we have worked hard to update and improve our capital bid for the new Sports Hall. Our most recent bid was submitted this January. We have updated our flyer which summarises our plans and timescales if the project is approved – click here for the latest version. We will hear if we have been successful with our latest bid hopefully in April.
Since the launch of the flyer, over £10,000 has been donated towards funding support for the Sports Hall project and our thanks to all of you who have been so generous so far. The option to donate towards the project is in ParentPay under the item “Sports Hall Project” and is open throughout the year. Any donation is very valuable and improves our bidding strength for the capital made available to Academies by Government.
Thank you as always for all the support towards our plans for this exciting school and community asset.