Poole Grammar School, Gravel Hill, Poole, Dorset, BH17 9JU | Tel: 01202 692132 | Email: pgsoffice@poolegrammar.com
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Modern Foreign Languages

‘You live a new life for every language you speak. If you only know one language, you only live once.’

Czech Proverb

Learning a foreign language is a liberation from insularity and provides an opening to other cultures. A high-quality languages education should foster pupils’ curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world. The teaching should enable pupils to express their ideas

and thoughts in another language and to understand and respond to its speakers, both in speech and in writing. It should also provide opportunities for them to communicate for practical purposes, learn new ways of thinking and read great literature in the original language. Language teaching should provide the foundation for learning further languages, equipping pupils to study and work in other countries.

Year 7 French Curriculum

Year 7 German Curriculum




Module 1


Meeting people ; school objects and the alphabet; using the indefinite article; counting up to 20 ; using the verbs haben, sein and wohnen to say how old you are; saying when your birthday is; giving the date (numbers and months); talking about the classroom ; using the definite article : saying what colour things are; making adjectives agree with nouns.


Module 2a

Das is meine Welt!

Talking about brothers and sisters; more practice with the verb haben, sein; talking about your family; using the possessive adjectives mein und dein; talking about pets; describing yourself and others; understanding singular adjective agreements; talking about hair and eyes; understanding plural adjective agreements. Forming plural nouns


Module 2b

Das ist meine Welt!

Talking about hair and eyes and other facial features: using the verb haben in the present tense. Describing yourself and others. Use the verb sein in the present tense. Describing personality traits: using common adverbs of frequency.Starting to recognise adjective endings. Learning parts of the body: using conjunctions und, aber and oder.


Module 3

Meine Freizeit

Talking about hobbies with opinions: using phrases+ infinitives.Talking about sports and learn the verbs spielen-irregular present tense.Using the regular and irregular present tense.
Using gern/lieber/ am liebsten to give an opinion. Using the dictionary to vary the vocabulary.

Listening and grammar (present tense verbs)

Module 4

Meine Schule

Talking about school and school subject: Using denn and weil to add reasons.. Talking about learning habits and teachers: using impersonal expression and using man with modal verbs. Understanding cultural differences

Written assessment

Year 7 Spanish Curriculum




Module 1

Me presento

Meeting people ; school objects and the alphabet; using the indefinite article; counting up to 20 ; using the verb tener to say how old you are; saying when your birthday is; giving the date (numbers and months); talking about the classroom ; using the definite article : saying what colour things are; making adjectives agree with nouns.


Module 2a

Mi burbuja 1

Talking about brothers and sisters; more practice with the verb tener; talking about your family; using the possessive adjectives; talking about pets; plural nouns; describing yourself and others; understanding singular adjective agreements; talking about hair and eyes; understanding plural adjective agreements.


Module 2b

Mi burbuja 2

Talking about hair and eyes and other facial features: using the verb tener in the present tense. Describing yourself and others. Use the verb ser in the present tense. Describing personality traits: using common adverbs of frequency.


Module 3a

Mis pasatiempos 1

Talking about hobbies with opinions: using phrases+ infinitives.Talking about sports and learn the verbs jugar and haces-irregular present tense.Using the regular and irregular present tense. Using the dictionary to vary the vocabulary.

Listening and grammar (present tense verbs)

Module 3b

Mis pasatiempos 2

Discussing the weather: using ‘if’ and ‘when’ constructions. Getting to know about festivals and famous Spanish-speaking musicians. Revise family, physical and personality traits and introduce the comparatives mas and menos

Written assessment

Year 8 French Curriculum




Module 1

Au collège


Naming school subjects: using the present tense of regular verbs in -er (aimer/adore/detester)
Talking about your timetable and giving opinions on school subjects: use intensifiers, connectives and comparatives.


Module 2

Les loisirs

Talking about sports and games: using jouer and faire + preposition. Talking about what you like to do and activities at the youth club: using various expressions of opinion, time expressions. Conjugating  jouer and faire in the present tense. Getting familiar with Christmas in French speaking countries. ICT opportunities for research.

Reading assessment

Module 3

Mes activités passées

Talking about what you did in the past: last weekend/ last night. Talking about where you went. Using the perfect tense with avoir and être for the verbs of movement. Talking about a past weekend. Extending and linking sentences with a wide range of connectives.


Module 4

Les vacances

Talking about usual holidays and preferred holidays: using the present tense or -ir and -re verbs. Talking about a dream holidays: using the conditional je voudrais/j’aimerais. Describe a holiday in the past: using the past tense and working out grammar patterns. Talking about festivals: ICT opportunities.

90 word

Writing Assessment

Module 5

C’est quoi la France?

Comparing France and Britain and describing other countries: using the present tense, comparatives and superlatives. Talking about famous French people in the past: consolidating the perfect tense. Talking about transport and new technology: formulating questions.


Module 6

Les pays francophones en Afrique

Talking about where you live: using the comparatives ‘plus/moins’. Identifying and locating francophone countries. Researching a francophone country. Cultural awareness.

Whole class presentation: speaking

Year 8 German Curriculum




Module 1



Talking about what you eat and drink: using the verbs essen and trinken. Buying and ordering food


Module 2

Meine Zuhause

Saying where you live: using ich wohne in + dative. Saying what activity you do in different rooms. Describing your room and giving opinions about your room: using es gibt, irregular verbs in the present tense. Understanding the verb has to be the second idea. Using prepositions and the verb to be and to have in the past tense.

Reading assessment

Module 3

Meine Stadt

Talking about towns in German-speaking countries. Talking about the weather: using ‘es ist…’ Talking about things in tow, giving directions: using the formal and informal forms. Buying food and drink at a snack bar. Talking about plans in the summer holidays: using the present tense in a future context.


Module 4

Kassenfahrt nach Osterreich

Describing the weather and activities depending on the weather: using ‘wenn’ as a connective. Comparing different places and an excursion in the perfect tense: recognising and using the perfect tens of regular verbs.. Saying and writing what activities you will do in a school trip: form and use the future tense. Talking about the Olympic village in the 3 time frames.

90 word

Writing Assessment

Module 5

C’est quoi la France?

Comparing France and Britain and describing other countries: using the present tense, comparatives and superlatives. Talking about famous French people in the past: consolidating the perfect tense. Talking about transport and new technology: formulating questions.


Module 6

Les pays francophones en Afrique

Talking about where you live: using the comparatives ‘plus/moins’. Identifying and locating francophone countries. Researching a francophone country. Cultural awareness.

Whole class presentation: speaking

Year 8 Spanish Curriculum




Module 1

Mi casa


Talking about the area where you live and describing  different types of houses: using es and esta. Using the definite article.


Module 2

Mi casa

Describing your bedroom: using preposition of place with estar. Describing your dream home: using the conditional tense. Describing household tasks: formulating questions. Talking about Christmas in the Hispanic speaking world: ICT opportunities.

Writing Assessment

Module 3

En mi ciudad

Talking places in town and describing where you go in town: using hay with singular and plural nouns. Giving directions: using the imperative. Developing translating skills.


Module 4

En mi ciudad

Discussing plans for the weekend.: forming the near future. Comparing rural and urban environments, describing how areas have changed over time: using key expressions in the imperfect tense. Cultural awareness: understanding the importance of La Semana Santa in the Hispanic speaking world.


Listening, Reading and Dictation

Module 5

Mi insti

Talking about school subjects: using the verb estudiar. Giving more complexe expressions of opinion. Describing your school environment and comparing it with Hispanic schools.


Module 6

Tapas y Bebidas

Ordering snacks and reinks in a café: using future expressions, the present tense of Querer and disjunctive pronouns. Research project on Fiestas in Spain: ICT opportunities.

Whole class presentation: speaking on a Hispanic festival speaking