Poole Grammar School, Gravel Hill, Poole, Dorset, BH17 9JU | Tel: 01202 692132 | Email: pgsoffice@poolegrammar.com
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Computer Science and IT

“Everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer, because it teaches you how to think.”    Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple

A high-quality computing education equips pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. Computing has deep links with mathematics, science, and design and technology, and provides insights into both natural and artificial systems. The core of computing is computer science, in which pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work, and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. Building on this knowledge and understanding, pupils are equipped to use information technology to create programs, systems and a range of content. Computing also ensures that pupils become digitally literate – able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology – at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.

Year 7 Curriculum Content

Year 8 Curriculum Content




1 Impact and use of technology

(1 week)

–       Use of school system

–       Use of email

–       Social networking

–       Internet use and e-safety


2 Coding – Small BASIC

(4 weeks)

–       Computational thinking

–       Coding efficiency

–       Sequencing

–       Iteration

–       Procedures

Report with code and screenshots

3 Coding – LOGO

(5 weeks)

–       Computational thinking and harder problems

–       Coding efficiency

–       Tessellations

–       Variables

–       Sequence

–       Iteration

–       Procedures and parameters

Report with code and screenshots

4 Computational thinking – BEBRAS challenge

(2 weeks)

–       Computational thinking and harder problems

–       Decomposition

–       Pattern recognition

–       Abstraction

–       Algorithms

National quiz

5 HTML + CSS: my favourite things

(6 weeks)

–       Building simple website using HTML

–       Basic CSS

–       Adding text and images

–       Adding hyperlinks

–       Formatting content

Report with code and screenshots

6 Coding – Small BASIC

(6 weeks)

–       Computational thinking

–       Coding efficiency

–       Sequence

–       Selection

–       Iteration

–       Procedures

–       String handling

Report with code and screenshots

7 Coding – BBC MICRO:BIT

(4 weeks)

–       Hardware and software working together

–       Computational thinking

–       Coding efficiency

–       Sequence

–       Selection

–       Iteration

Report with code and screenshots

8 Spreadsheets – Ski rental

(4 weeks)

–       Cell formatting

–       Formulas

–       Conditional formatting

–       Use of basic controls

–       Vlookups

–       Worksheets in a workbook

–       Macros

–       Design skill


9 Coding – SCRATCH

(6 weeks)

–       Computational thinking

–       Sequence

–       Selection

–       Iteration

–       Message passing

–       Procedures

–       Image processing

Report with screenshots

10 Presentations: computing pioneers

(3 weeks)

–       Use of slide transitions

–       Use of animation

–       Format text

–       Add links

–       Design skills

–       History of computing

8-10 slide presentation