Joining the Sixth Form
If you are considering your options for 16-18 study, we would love you and a parent/carer to visit our school and discover how Poole Grammar School offers educational excellence within and beyond the curriculum. Our Head of Sixth Form, Mr Pete Ingleby, is happy to welcome you for a tour during the spring term 2025. Please sign up to arrange a visit.Every year students join our sixth form from our own main school and from other local schools for all sorts of reasons. Here’s why you too should come to us after your GCSEs.
#1 Succeed academically
We are focussed on getting the best results for each student who joins us. Our students’ grades are consistently excellent, as you would expect from a selective school. More impressively, student progress puts us in the top 25% of schools in the country. We put support in place if we feel a student is not doing as well as they should to make sure no-one is left behind.
#2 Get where you want to go
We help students decide where they want to go after A-levels and support them to get there. We have excellent careers guidance and education which meets all the Gatsby benchmarks. Year 12 students do a hugely useful week of work experience during term time. Three quarters of students go to university, with others going to competitive apprenticeships or early career pathways. We support a handful of students to get places at Oxford and Cambridge each year. Aspiring doctors get lots of help and advice in their applications through our MedSoc.
#3 Enjoy wider sixth form life
Students can become prefects, subject ambassadors, classroom assistants, or student mentors. All of these roles develop leadership skills and prepare students well for future positions and interviews. We have loads of sporting opportunities and other extra-curriculars. Whether you want to play Friday Football after school for fun, join one of the many teams that play against other schools, make a speech in Debating Society, or make a fortune in Stocks and Shares Club, we’ve got it covered. There are plenty of performing arts opportunities too including regular productions and concerts. The Gilpin Cup inter-tutor multi-disciplinary competition is a highlight of each year with the vast majority of the sixth form taking part in one of the many constituent events.
Please see the documents below for more information and then make your application to join us.
Mr P Ingleby
Director of Sixth Form
Sixth Form ProspectusCourse DirectoryApply online