Expectations outside of lessons
- Registration/tutor period
- You must not be in any school building before 8:10am unless you are attending Breakfast Club in the Hall or are studying in the Library;
- You must arrive on time and sit in your allocated seat (not on tables, lab benches, window sills, the floor etc.);
- As well as taking the register, tutors will deal with matters of uniform, diary completion, collection of homework, the state of the room and they will follow up incidents/problems when these have been brought to their attention;
- Tutors will also take an interest in your general achievements, both in extra-curricular activities, and in life outside school as well as academic progress;
- You will be expected to contribute positively to any discussions about issues such as tutor group ethos, general behaviour, punctuality/attendance, bullying and whole-school issues.
- Tutor rooms
- Students in Years 7 and 8 are not allowed in their tutor rooms unless a member of staff is present. Break and lunchtimes should be used for experiencing new clubs or activities and/or socialising with friends outside. Students will only be allowed in tutor rooms at break and lunchtime when it is “wet break”;
- Packed lunches must be eaten outdoors unless it is a “wet break” ensuring at all times that litter is disposed of properly.
- The Canteen
- Entry will be permitted in year group order on a daily rota;
- You must queue up in an orderly fashion at your designated time (full uniform must be properly worn) ensuring you are wearing your lanyard;
- You must sit down to eat your food;
- Courtesy and consideration for others is expected at all times;
- As a user of the canteen, you clear your own tables and put rubbish in a bin;
- All hot food purchased from the canteen must be eaten there, as must ‘unwrapped’ cold items.
- Around the school
- Staff (teaching and support) deal with minor offences on the spot;
- All infringements meriting further action will be referred initially to the tutor;
- Certain kinds of offence (for example, damage to the building; refusal to co-operate) will be referred on to the appropriate Head of Year and/or a Deputy Headteacher;
- At the end of the school day, students must have left the school site by 3:45pm unless they are engaged in an activity supervised by a member of staff (e.g. a club, sporting activity, revision session or a detention).